Meet Our Latest Featured Detective


Each mystery, dozens of detectives send in letters with questions, theories, new evidence, and solutions. After each mystery, we reward the detective who sends in the best solution with a special prize and recognition as our “Featured Detective”.

Thank you to all the detectives that competed in another exciting Featured Detective competition. The Mystery of the Siren Song was a classic case of “the butler did it,” but with innumerable twists that challenged the detectives of Dear Holmes. Dear Holmes detective responded to that challenge in force, sending us letters, postcards, and even a telegram with theories on the case.

The most significant point of contention in the letters we received was over the role of the gardener. Some detectives thought he was one of many conspirators in the scheme. Others believed he was an innocent bystander or the sole perpetrator. Another big debate was over who had what motive: Some pointed to concerns over forthcoming changes to Jacox’s will as cause for action for Mrs. Smith and Beach in their plot to murder Jacox. Others correctly picked up on their art theft. Some detectives suspected Mr. Jacox’s nephew, or his lawyer, of various misdeeds.

There was also some confusion over how Mr. Jacox fell. Some theorized that Jacox had been drugged with a hallucinogenic and ran over the balcony himself. Others posited that he was pushed. Many correctly utilized the evidence to identify that he fell after leaning on a loosened railing.

This mystery’s featured detective, Detective Kathleen J. of Dallas, Texas, correctly navigated all of the above pitfalls to identify the criminals behind Mr. Jacox’s death and their means and motive. Congratulations to Detective Kathleen. A special prize will soon be headed their way.

Stay tuned to our Facebook and Twitter pages for the announcement of some cool prizes coming soon.

Want to win next month’s Featured Detective competition? Send in your solution by mail to 1101 14th St Nw, Suite 910, Washington, DC 20005, or online (less fun, of course).

Keep solving.

- Michael & The Dear Holmes team

P.S. Don’t forget to renew your membership to keep the mysteries coming.


Solving the Mystery of the Cambridge Codes


How To Solve The Mystery of the Siren Song