Our Next Featured Detective Is...
Each mystery, dozens of detectives send in letters with questions, theories, new evidence, and solutions. After each mystery, we reward the detective who sends in the best solution with a special prize and recognition as our “Featured Detective”.
Thank you to all the detectives that competed in another exciting Featured Detective competition. As always, we received dozens of interesting, well-thought out analyses of the supposed plight of Mr. Pym and “the Case of the Ghastly Green Face”.
This month’s winner is Detective Mary P. of New York City. Detective Mary wrote Holmes with a four-page theory of the case that nailed all of the key conclusions. Detective Mary’s solution also posed an interesting theory that even Holmes didn’t consider: That part of Mr. Pym’s behavior could be explained by his having Grave’s disease.
Detecive Mary presented her solution with flair, laying out her solution beautifully under the letterhead of her newly established Detective agency, and wrote a beautiful, clear theory of the case.
Here’s one example of her fine prose:
“If not for the lack of proper motive attributable to any other party, Isadore’s plot might have worked. It was all fiendeshly, elaborately, even brilliantly thought out. Perhaps Pym’s appraisal of his own high intelligence was not so far off; after all, his words could not have painted a more compelling picture of Ambrose’s and Luc’s guilt had he been Monet. Or, in this case, Manet.
Indeed, many detectives were fooled by Pym’s trickery into suspecting Luc, Ambrose, or Charlotte of being behind Pym’s troubles. Detective Mary caught the ruse, and she’ll be receiving a special prize for doing so.
Thank you to everyone who submitted a letter this month. We (and Holmes) can’t wait to see what creative solutions you’ll come up with for our next mystery, and who will be the first to correctly solve the case.
Want to win next month’s Featured Detective competition?Submit your answer here or by letter. You can submit more than once if your theory of the case changes.
Keep solving.
- Michael & The Dear Holmes team
P.S. Don’t forget to renew your membership to keep the mysteries coming.